What does your fairy form look like?

While I was writing a piece this morning I was attaching a picture when my son squealed that the picture looked like me as a fairy!

Not only was this very flattering, I also think it was through those gorgeous rose tinted glasses that only your children could have. The exuberance of youth is wonderful.

This got me thinking about what forms our fairy avatars would take. It’s a fun little game that you can do and have a little bit of fairy tale fantasy to break up your day. How would you look and what would you do if you were a fairy for a day?  I would really love to hear from you to see what form yours takes.

Comment here or tweet me @myrealfairy using the #fairyform hashtag to join in. You may already be very clear on how your fairy looks or this may get you thinking and creating, either way, enjoy and I can’t wait to see and hear from you ✨

www.myrealfairy.com fairy


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The Liebster Award

I was so pleased to be nominated for the Liebster Award by Ali over at Ali’s Upside Down World please go over there and check out her great blog. Thanks so much Ali:) It’s so nice to be put forward by another blogger for the work you put in and Ali is someone who’s blog I admire.

So, for those of you who might be wondering what the Liebster Award is, it’s a blogging award, given by bloggers to other bloggers to give recognition for their work. It’s designed to showcase blogs and promote their online community presence. You can discover lots of new and brilliant blogs out there from going through the list of Liebster Award winners. From the research I have done the questions you have to answer change slightly over time which I think is great and reflects the creativity of writing and passing the baton on from blogger to blogger.

If you go to the end of my post you will see the 7 tasks I need to complete in order to complete my Liebster Award and these will be passed on to the people I nominate.

So, onto number 1 which I have completed above; thanking the person who nominated you. Number 2 is the Liebster Award badge which is proudly shown in my picture header.

Number 3 is to say a few words about my favourite blog. This took some time as I have quite a few favourites so I am going to talk about one which I love and I’m going to nominate the others.

It’s Carol over at Virtually All Sorts . She has a such a good view on life and this shines through on her blog. In her own words “My blog focusses on the good and happy in life, and if it’s not all good and happy, I turn it around to see the bright side.” Carol has some great flash fiction pieces that are well worth a read and I would recommend popping over to her to have a look. Carol has also been supportive of my writing and I’m glad to have her as a blogging buddy. Thanks Carol!

Number 4 is also tricky. I think that it’s pretty difficult to think of some facts about myself which wont make me sound too odd but here we go….

  1. Today I’m wearing odd socks  and I squeezed my sock coated feet into flip flops to hang out the washing…classy!
  2. I’ve got an underactive thyroid.
  3. Blogging is my new chocolate.
  4. I still eat a hell of alot of chocolate so I guess I blog a fair bit too.
  5. I can’t save money, I spend every penny I earn, but I’m not in any debt.
  6. I keep forgetting I’m in my forties.
  7. When I eat strong cheddar cheese the hairs on the back of my neck go up and my neck tingles.
  8. I cannot abide celery…
  9. or the sound of polystyrene, it makes my mouth water.
  10. I am amazed and very pleased that you read to the end of this list, well done:)

So I have been thinking who to nominate and who I love to read. I would like to make it clear that being nominated by me comes with no pressure to do it, it means that I love your blog and think you deserve to know that:) Complete if you wish and feel free to copy and paste the rules from this post.

Kathleen Aherne

Jen – Practical by default

Ashley Geeky Mama

Kim Northumberland Mam

Andrea and Paul Topsy Turvy Tribe

The Rules

  1. Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog. Try to include a little promotion for the person who nominated you. They will thank you for it and those who you nominate will also help you out as well.
  2. Display the award on your blog — by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a “widget” or a “gadget”. (Note that the best way to do this is to save the image to your own computer and then upload it to your blog post.)
  3. Write a 150-300 word post about your favourite blog that is not your own. Explain why you like the blog, provide links.
  4. Provide 10 random facts about yourself.
  5. Nominate 5 – 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have a less than 200 followers.
  6. List these rules in your post.
  7. Once you have written and published it, you then have to: Inform the people/blogs that you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and provide a link for them to your post if you don’t have all the information so that they can learn about it (they might not have ever heard of it!)


A Day in the Life of Me!

How much more self-indulgent can you get you might ask? Not much really, I mean a post entirely devoted to talking about me, my OH will wet himself when he sees this. But – and there is a but, there is a good reason, or good enough reason anyway. It’s a therapy shot for me that will give a little clarity to what I actually do with a normal saturday and it will give a little insight too to anyone reading this and wonders about the person behind the blog. I’m pretty nosey and like to see those glimpses into other bloggers so if there are others out there like me then this is for you, surely I’m not alone…am I?

Saturday morning and lovely to not have to get up for school or work today, still – with our internal clocks my head behind my closed eyes is starting to be alert at around 7am and the house is starting to beat a bit faster as the two boys stir. My OH is next to me with his phone up to his face, suddenly he starts laughing really hard, he tries to stop but it spills out. Laughing is infectious and I smile and ask to see what it is – it’s well worth it, look…

facebook pic of shark on lego www.myrealfairy.com

The boys are being amazing and actually chilling, big M is watching his YouTube idols and drawing, little G is giving Lego a go which is pretty weird considering the link to the photo above. My OH and big M were going for their 5k park run today but it’s pouring outside so they’ve stayed snuggled up.

I’m off out tonight with one of my besties and I am so excited, I’ve known Holly since we were small we have the whole syncing thing going on and I can share everything with her. Everything is what makes it exciting, it’s a no holds barred night and as with all my friends I love every second.

After we have all had a pretty chilled morning, you can feel in the air that we need to shift gear as the boys are getting itchy feet and that’s when the squabbling can begin. So, we go for trying to get the homework started at least. Little G has only really started getting proper homework this year so it’s still a bit of a novelty where as big M has got really tricky algebra and English Lit to get through. My OH has to help with the algebra because I’m rubbish and couldn’t remember how to do it at all.

After finally getting through it the boys and my OH go off for a bike ride in the New Forest which leaves me to a couple of hours home alone! Love it! Some time this afternoon and out tonight yippie I feel like a princess. So, I make use of the time and do a spot of blogging which involves writing some of this post and catching up on some commenting. It’s an important part for me as the blogging community is a great group to be part of and without them my little blog wouldn’t exist. I don’t think I would have had the motivation to carry it past its first month if I hadn’t become involved with those that I virtually touch base with.

The meal out in the evening was super, we used some voucher site to get 2 for 1 on our food in an amazing new Thai restaurant in Westbourne and Holly and I sat there eating, drinking and best of all talking non stop for nearly three hours – wonderful therapy for anyone.

I don’t do late nights so much now as I feel them far too much the next day so I was home by 10 and believe it or not the OH and big M are up playing fifa 16 and nearly oblivious to me as they are pretty engrossed in proving their football prowess!

All in all a great day and a pretty special day to pick as I look at it and see how things have got so much easier as the boys have got older. I still remember so clearly when the days started at 5am and I was pulling my hair out by 10am, I can see the difference and appreciate the extra hours of sleep I get now. It’s tough being a parent whatever the age of our little ones but especially when sleep deprivation is part of the equation as well. It’s good sometimes to look at one of those days that was not so bad to really celebrate what we have.



10 Amazing Facts – you never knew you didn’t know!

I love facts and little bits of trivia, I also really love going to quiz nights if I can get a night off here and there. I only wish I had one of those whizzy minds that can retain all of the information I read or pick up. Some people have amazing brains that can just recall stuff so easily. I still put it down to mummy brain which is a huge cop-out as my youngest, little G is now 7!! So, without having to wait any further, here are 10 fun facts that I have put together from the millions out there. Fun is the word here so I don’t think we’ll be mastermind finalists at the end but hopefully there will be a smile or an “oh!” here and there:)


Number 1: The word ‘crisp’ starts at the back of your mouth and ends at the front… yep I can guess you’re trying it now..cool eh?

Number 2: In ancient egypt women were know to use ‘birthing bricks’ which they would squat on while in their final stages of labour.


10 amazing factsNumber 3: Adult feet have 250,000 sweat glands and can produce around half a pint of sweat a day. Eek!



Number 4: A sneeze travels at about 100 miles per hour.

Number 5: An Australian man put up New Zealand for sale on eBay in 2006. The bid had reached $3000 before it was taken down due to a violation of eBay’s policy.

Number 6: Chewing gum while you cut an onion will help keep you from crying…

Number 7: Gorillas burp when they are happy.

Number 8: As of September 2016 the population of the UK is 65,111,143, the USA is 324,118,787 and Australia is 24,198,500. If Facebook were a country then it would be the highest populated country in the world with over 1.6 billion active users per month.

Number 9: If you put your finger in your ear and scratch, it sounds just like Pac-Man.



Number 10: Oh! and guess what?….You can’t hum while holding your nose….can you?

Maybe not a fact but still funny to me…theres alot of strange looking veg out there but these peppers are pretty freaky!10 amazing facts



Have you got any facts that you’d like to share?

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The Daddy Tag Challenge #TheDaddyTag

I love completing blogging tags and challenges and feel it can give you such a great insight into other bloggers and different perspectives on lifestyles. When I saw the Frenchie Mummy’s  #TheDaddyTag I couldn’t wait to join in. Well, saying that, actually I was excited about putting forward my OH. Then, when the excitement bubbles started popping I realised that my OH is the most brutally honest person I know and I started to wonder if I should let him loose in the bloggersphere….then I thought…. hell yeah baby, go for it!


  • Are you a Stay at Home Daddy or a Working Daddy? &
  • Would you have it any other way?

A stay-at-work-daddy. As much as I would like to stay at home at least a few hours more the meager hourly rate of this option makes it a non-option. I always liked the notion of staying at home for and with the children but I also think that if that option ever came up the idealistic view of a happy home would be challenged by my practical and realistic nature that tells me that the childrens’ behaviour can be at least as annoying as the one of colleagues, managers and customers.

  • Do you co-change dirty nappies? Even the very smelly ones?

I have never been in the situation to do so (long story) but I wouldn’t mind anything that needs to be done. My life experience has provided me with many opportunities to feel disgust at smells and via other senses but some things just need doing and I am known for doing them. Yes mam.

  • A little fairy gives you the possibility of breastfeeding? Are you going for it or do you run away?
One of the few things that seen from the perspective of someone who never has and never will have the option to do, I envy women for. This kind of intimate relationship and bond would be lovely to have but then it can be exhausting and painful as well … so I have been told.
  • What is the one must-have item for a daddy?
Patience. It comes in different package sizes and I bought a lot when it was cheap but man I use up a lot right now. Need to stock up!
  • How many kids do you plan on having?

I intended to have lots of children simply because it will be easier for them to pay the retirement home fees if they can share them. So, about 12.

  • Lads’ nights? How often do you have them?
I am afraid I am too far away from any friend to have a night like that. Despite being odd (according to Mainy) I would not think that I am nerdy, I also don’t drink and don’t fancy pubs … all that makes things worse. Hence, pubs are a ‘zero’ from me I have to say. I do other things.
  • Your children’s favourite achievement?

They both love success in the sports field, especially if it comes with a medal. But I think there are other achievements worth aiming for aswell. While I am not sure it would be their favourite achievement I wish for it to be: M would love himself just as he is and G would be able to heal the world with the same energy he sometimes uses to wreck it. It is all my job in life is to patiently help them onto the path to find out how to do this.

  • What is your best memory with your kid(s)?

We are constantly creating really nice memories (despite the space I sometimes need before I can appreciate them). I think the best ones are the moments of true kind emotion only children can give e.g. when M recently said “who wouldn’t want you as a dad?” during a discussion and G says “I love you” and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

  • Name one thing you miss since being a daddy?

… the feeling that what I say and do has no effect. It is frightening to see how quickly children copy the good but more so the bad.

  • Weight gain, before pregnancy, during, after and now? And we mean YOU DADDY, not the mummy!

I constantly seem to gain weight just by passing unhealthy stuff but I don’t think that counts. There is a fight going on in our house around sugary stuff and while I believe to fight for the boys health it is as well a fight for my own health really. Eating habits are hard to overcome and I am weak while pretending to be strong.

  • Dream holiday with your kids?

As long as the children are this young I think I find holidays with them a bit stressful and hardly a dream. However, once older I think we will do a lot of more sporty holidays (with a no-sports place provided for Mainy). But then there is the idea to show them India, a country I spent 2 years discovering. A place that can teach them a lot about the struggles of life, spirituality but more so the joy of living. India taught me humility but then I am not sure if this is important for children to learn. For adults it is.

  • Dream holiday without your kids or even without the other half? (You’re allowed to dream)

Right now I am planning a cycle holiday without the family in New Zealand. I love exploring nature and I enjoy meeting like minded and sometimes even not-like minded people. I used to travel via hospitalityclub, couchsurfing etc but now would consider Airbnb. Mainy is supportive and understands my desire but I know it is hard for her to let me leave for a while … and it is hard for me to leave but I don’t want to regret not having done this while I was able to.

  • How has your life changed since having kids?

Massively … to the better. While I don’t want to say children are the purpose of life I do believe they can give life purpose and meaning. It might be the only ‘valuable’ impression we leave behind if things work out well.

  • Finish the sentence “It makes my heart melt when…”

… when I see them helping each other lovingly.

  • Favourite beers brands and football team?
Being a German from Bavaria I have a liking for wheat beer. As I do not care too much about alcohol I really enjoy the Erdinger Alcohol free beer.
Football, hmm, well … Bayern Munich is the team I choose on Fifa16 but actually I consider myself a football fan of a more literal, true nature: I like the team to win who play better. However, being a German in England comes with a lot of football related remarks and Mainy owns the web domain ‘england66’ … I usually just smile, knowing my nations supremacy in this arena doesn’t necessitate a reply 🙂
  • Huggies or Pampers?
Never had to buy any. But then I am a ‘Which’ reader so would go for Mamia and Aldi … did I mention I’m German? 🙂
  • Have you always wanted kids?
Like too many people I did without knowing what it is like. To be fair: had anyone told me I might have not believed it but then this absence of knowledge and realism are the exact elements that allows us to have children. And then there is the love we feel for our parents and the love we felt they had for us … and I think it is this love, this boundless, unlimited love that we want to re-create.
  • Best part of being a dad?
… watching them growing up and at the same time being seen as a superhero.
We both hope you enjoyed the responses and I would like to nominate 3 of my readers who really fancy giving this a go, its great fun, just let me know in the comments and I will nominate:)

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the Frenchie Mummy Blog

Our River Stour Walk


During the summer holidays and during one of my days off work, my eldest, big ‘M’ and I decided to go for a River Stour walk as it’s just behind where we live. He had one of his friends round and it was good to get out and about to stretch our legs. The river is so pretty, it’s also known as the Dorset Stour so that it doesn’t get confused with other ones around the country with the same name.

The river here is brilliant because it’s got a really good footpath so it’s safe for the kids, even though I always keep them in sight around any sort of water. Apparently the footpath covers most of the 60 miles length of the river. I know in my area there are voluntary groups who help to keep the pathways clean and it always looks beautiful and well kept. We recently got involved in the Great British Spring Clean where we all volunteered and cleaned up the footpath down to the river, it was a great experience, have a read and you can see how you can become involved.

RIVER STOUR WALK www.myrealfairy.com
The River Stour – Dorset

RIVER STOUR WALK www.myrealfairy.com

Back to this walk though and ‘M’ wanted to take some pictures for the blog so all of the pictures here are taken by him. The boys had so much fun because they both had a phone to use and really got into the spirit of being amatuer photographers. If you read my previous post about my blogging habits you would see that I don’t have a separate camera or any editing suites apart from a couple of filters which the phone offers up. I haven’t got into the photography side of things, we all enjoy pointing the phone and snapping away at all the things which we like ourselves. We saw these lovely swans below. The babies were slightly hidden in the reeds while one of the parents patrolled!

RIVER STOUR WALK www.myrealfairy.com
The swan family….
RIVER STOUR WALK www.myrealfairy.com
and their guard!



RIVER STOUR WALK www.myrealfairy.comWhen I was a child we used to call these white flowers above ‘granny pop out the beds’. We would push them out at the base when they were ready and they would pop out, it was great fun. Have you heard of that saying?

I'd love it if you would share with others so they can see the post and maybe give me a hand naming some of the flowers!Click To Tweet

Below are three pictures of some of the other plants we spotted along the way. The next step for us is to try and identify some of them and find out a bit more about the types of plant they are. Any points in the right direction would be appreciated!:)

RIVER STOUR WALK www.myrealfairy.com
Any ideas?….
RIVER STOUR WALK www.myrealfairy.com
This looks familiar!



RIVER STOUR WALK www.myrealfairy.com

Have you been getting out and about during the summer? Where are your favourite places?

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How do you say goodnight?….

I love to hear different languages and different expressions to that of my own.  Here’s a few to throw into the mix when saying good night. How do you say goodnight?

  Buenas Noches
 dobrú no
how do you say goodnight
Gute Nacht  
buona notte   
jó éjszakát
Can you help me out with some more good nights? What do you say in your house?


Tweet this out and let's see how many different ways we can find. Learn and share:)Click To Tweet

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Dorset Facts & Trivia – A myrealfairy infographic

Hello and thanks for stopping by. As someone who lives in Dorset, I’m still taken aback by the lovely countryside and coastline of this lovely county. While I’ve visited some parts of Great Britain I’ve still got alot to cover.

I thought I’d try and express this post in an infographic which I haven’t attempted before. For the subject I thought I would write about something I know and which I love – Dorset.



I’d love to know a little fact about your local area and maybe feature them in a roundup post.


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Ilfracombe…where the romance is!

Hi, thanks so much for stopping by. Last week my partner and I went on a little 2 night break without the kids down to Ilfracombe. It’s always like a military operation to plan these things but so worth it. The kids giggle that we are having our romantic break and love their time with nanny and we appreciate to have a couple of days to ourselves. Like most parents, even on our time alone we talk about, email and speak to the kids. Still, I feel it’s important that all of the family gets their relaxation time and this is ours.

We booked through one of these sites that you contact the owner themselves and they rent out their place to you. We were so lucky to get an amazing little apartment which overlooked the sea, the crazy golf park and a weatherspoons…it doesn’t get much better than that!!

We were also right by a beautiful little Italian place which had such a gorgeous smell coming out of it that on the first evening we were so shattered that we had them make us pizza and pasta and we took it up to the apartment. It was great to sit there, looking out at the amazing view with our food and chill out.

Ilfracombe is such a gorgeous place. Most of the town dates from victorian times when it grew rapidly as a seaside resort. It seemed that most of the town around the harbour was on a slope and it nestled into the hills.

In the morning we took a walk down to the Tunnels Beaches. You have to pay £2.50 to walk down through them but it’s a fantastic sight once you walk through and see the view.

The tunnels lead down to a lovely little sandy beach which has a bathing pool which was made out of bringing lime into the bay and making an edge which, as the tide goes out, keeps in an amount of water in a large pool making it idea for bathing. This was created for ‘segregated bathing’ where men and women were not allowed to bath in the same bay or cove. In 1839 there was a guide book which stated that segregated bathing was tightly controlled and a ‘bugler’ would sit between the men’s and ladies pools keeping an eye out that the two did not mix. If a man attempted to spy on the ladies then the bugler would blow his trumpet and the man would be arrested!


View down through the tunnels.

There’s so much more to discover in Ilfracombe and the statue in the harbour is worth a post in its own right. Overall I would highly recommend a few days spent there, with or without the little ones.


Heres a little teaser which we saw on one of the signs –  Can you make out the Ilfracombe elephant in my picture?




Do you ever get to have breaks on your own or if you have kids do you prefer having them with you?



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