The Cottingley Fairies – An amazing tale!

For me, when losing a milk or ‘baby’ tooth when I was little was a celebration in our house. Not only did I think that it was showing the world that I was growing up but also that I was going to be gifted with a visit from the tooth fairy. As a little girl with a vivid imagination I had my very own unique picture of how my tooth fairy looked and somehow it had become influenced by the famous pictures of the fairies at the bottom of the garden, otherwise known as the Cottingley Fairies.  I digress in my recollections of my youth…. but if you haven’t heard of the Cottingley Fairies, then you may remember the old black and white photos of two young cousins, Frances Griffiths and Elsie Wright, who, back in 1917 had the country in awe with 5 photos of the dancing fairies.

Frances and the Fairies 1917
Frances and the Fairies. The first photograph 1917

The photos caused a storm of debate everywhere they were seen and prominent figures and associations of the time were drawn into the discussions surrounding the validity of the prints.

Elsie’s mother took the picture to a meeting of The Theosophical Society in Harrogate, who are united in a belief that mankind is a spiritual family. It was thought by some members that the picture could see what the naked eye could not and enhanced the thought that the prints were evidence of spirits. In fact the double exposure element of the prints created the glow that attributed to this view.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle leant his support to the idea that the photos were genuine in an article he wrote for The Strand’s Christmas edition in 1920. This would seem to me as a step outside his normal comfort zone of writing his detective novels which involved precise deliberations and fact based conclusions. However, on looking closer into Doyle’s pursuits you can see that he had harboured an interest in Spiritualism for many years and had given his first public lecture on the subject in 1917. Continue reading “The Cottingley Fairies – An amazing tale!”

5 Reasons I Believe In Fairies…..

  1. Waking up in the morning when there is sunshine shining through the window and my little boy is stood smiling at me.
  2. The toast doesn’t always fall butter side down.
  3. When I’ve gone for a walk really early, the fairy door under the tree is sometimes left ajar.
  4. I’ve been assured that the broken window in the shed was certainly not caused by the football.
  5. Because fairy dust has to come from somewhere!


Welcome!! We’re live today

Thank you so much for joining us on our launch day. We are so excited at that this day has finally arrived. From the initial thought quite a few years ago about a way to connect with people through a slightly different way than normal, to now, having this blog ready to share is a dream come true.

Please enjoy the site, participate, if you wish and most of all relax, look around and we hope you like what you see….


Hello world!

Welcome to, we are going to be discussing, reviewing and sharing all our views on the latest fairy designs out there in the big wide world. Our lifestyle blog will be your place to read, share and immerse yourself in fun, relaxing themes with a fairy twist.

Here at fairy HQ we have hundreds of ideas of how to sprinkle our fairy magic.

to search out the magical, spiritual and novel new ways to connect with that side of us we dont often break free with.learning to take things a bit easier and cut off from the hustle and bustle for a few minutes…we’re glad you’re here to do just that, with us:)

There will even be our very own Tarot readings where you can tap into the more spiritual side of yourself…. more to come on that soon.