How to time manage your way back to happiness

time management

Sounds like a bold statement doesn’t it, surely time management will be a tricky creature to tame!? Well it is, but there is some hope to be able to achieve this……

I started blogging to have an escape and hobby away from my job and the normal stresses that having my chosen career brought my way. Never in a million years did I realise how time-consuming blogging would be. However, for me at least, it is not stressful at all and thankfully it is amazingly relaxing and enjoyable. So even though it’s a great relaxer, it does mean that there are even more things on my plate.

Whether you’re a parent, blogger, career person, stay at home parent, student, none, or a mixture of all of those labels, I bet you all have times when you’ve been juggling loads of tasks and you feel at bursting point.

I have been on quite a few time management workshops over the years to glean a basic understanding of what I should be doing to ease things up with my workload. That doesn’t mean that I always get it right but I do have a couple of tips that you may well find useful.

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Plan Plan Plan – then when the unexpected jumps out at you, which it normally does, you’ve got some idea of where you were in the day before it all went crazy.

Have ‘thinking’ time – time taken at any point during the day that you can just think about what needs to be done and try to put it into some sort of order. Write in a journal if it helps, or on your phone, whatever you use for jotting things down.

When people offer help, say yes! It can be a big hurdle to overcome but generally when people offer then they mean it. Say yes once in a while and feel the difference it can have on you.

My favourite and the one which has the biggest positive effect on me is….Whether it’s bills, kids letters home from school, letters at home…..touch them only once! Try and carry out all the necessary action with it. It may be to book the dentist appointment or phone in the electric reading. Get it sorted out, then file or bin it. This is by far my biggest time saver and also the one that needs the most willpower to succeed.

Finally, remember – You’re not superhuman, you can rest! Ease up on yourself and celebrate what you have achieved.

There is always tomorrow….

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34 thoughts on “How to time manage your way back to happiness”

  1. I go by the saying Planning and Preparation Prevents Poor Performance

  2. It definitely is a juggling act, I do 10 different things at a time then cant remember what I was doing, or why, I prefer to be busy though, I sit and dwell on things if I have spare time, I need to take your when people offer to help say yes on board, when people offer to help with my three children or fiance who is awaiting a heart transplant I dont like to burden people, so say no even though I may moan now and again that I dont get a break lol xxx

  3. Sounds like you’re going to have a fantastic year, great ideas..
    Dropped by from #BloggersPitStop today but always glad to be here. 🙂
    Hope the week ahead treats you well. 🙂

  4. Great tips to start the New Year. I forget to take a break and think. I have to be mindful of that too. Have a great weekend, Kippi

  5. Great post! I am doing a mindset reset at the moment and getting up when my alarm clock goes off. Not pressing that snooze button. I don’t have my phone in the bedroom and before I put on the TV or computer or pick up my phone I spend 10 minutes doing a journal and getting my thoughts for the day down on paper. I plan my day and love seeing the ticks next to the tasks I set for myself. I have found I am more productive!!

  6. I love your one touch ruled and the other tips are great as well.
    Let’s feature this on the next Blogger’s Pit Stop and help some more bloggers.

    1. That would be wonderful Kathleen, sharing is caring and I’d love to be part of that:) Mainy

  7. I am going to try the one touch rule, to see if it helps me, has I have at this moment what they call brain fog and forget a lot of things, I try to write things down but I forget to look at what I have written

    1. I hope this helps you as much as it helps me:) it can be very frustrating when we forget things and little tips and tricks are ideal to make it all a bit easier. Thanks for sharing, Mainy

  8. I’ll be implementing your ‘touch it only once’ tip, really useful post thanks

  9. I keep forgetting the touch only once tip. I have a terrible habit of laying paperwork aside to do later then it is falling on the floor because I have so much. I find it very hard to accept help even though I really need it a lot of times.

    1. One touch is amazing, sometimes I walk around with something in my hand just to make sure I deal with it and don’t put it down on another pile. Thanks for stopping by:)

  10. All good tips. I take several mini assessment and planning moments during the day–when I first get to work, just before I leave work for the day, and in the evening as a start to my nightly routine. Once a week, I take a little longer to look at my week ahead and plan a few things I want to be sure to accomplish. I also like the idea of accepting help. That’s one I struggle with at times. Thanks for the reminders. I found your post on the Blogger’s Pit Stop.

    1. Thanks Christie, it can be hard accepting help, we all like to give help and must realise that it’s ok to receive.

    1. That’s right, it’s so easy to get caught up in ‘doing’ that we need some quiet time too

  11. Stop getting side tracked and leaving things to the last minute – my mission for 2019

  12. Planning is important, I also like to write a list. I feel more productive when crossing things off it!

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