A Day in the Life of Me!

How much more self-indulgent can you get you might ask? Not much really, I mean a post entirely devoted to talking about me, my OH will wet himself when he sees this. But – and there is a but, there is a good reason, or good enough reason anyway. It’s a therapy shot for me that will give a little clarity to what I actually do with a normal saturday and it will give a little insight too to anyone reading this and wonders about the person behind the blog. I’m pretty nosey and like to see those glimpses into other bloggers so if there are others out there like me then this is for you, surely I’m not alone…am I?

Saturday morning and lovely to not have to get up for school or work today, still – with our internal clocks my head behind my closed eyes is starting to be alert at around 7am and the house is starting to beat a bit faster as the two boys stir. My OH is next to me with his phone up to his face, suddenly he starts laughing really hard, he tries to stop but it spills out. Laughing is infectious and I smile and ask to see what it is – it’s well worth it, look…

facebook pic of shark on lego www.myrealfairy.com

The boys are being amazing and actually chilling, big M is watching his YouTube idols and drawing, little G is giving Lego a go which is pretty weird considering the link to the photo above. My OH and big M were going for their 5k park run today but it’s pouring outside so they’ve stayed snuggled up.

I’m off out tonight with one of my besties and I am so excited, I’ve known Holly since we were small we have the whole syncing thing going on and I can share everything with her. Everything is what makes it exciting, it’s a no holds barred night and as with all my friends I love every second.

After we have all had a pretty chilled morning, you can feel in the air that we need to shift gear as the boys are getting itchy feet and that’s when the squabbling can begin. So, we go for trying to get the homework started at least. Little G has only really started getting proper homework this year so it’s still a bit of a novelty where as big M has got really tricky algebra and English Lit to get through. My OH has to help with the algebra because I’m rubbish and couldn’t remember how to do it at all.

After finally getting through it the boys and my OH go off for a bike ride in the New Forest which leaves me to a couple of hours home alone! Love it! Some time this afternoon and out tonight yippie I feel like a princess. So, I make use of the time and do a spot of blogging which involves writing some of this post and catching up on some commenting. It’s an important part for me as the blogging community is a great group to be part of and without them my little blog wouldn’t exist. I don’t think I would have had the motivation to carry it past its first month if I hadn’t become involved with those that I virtually touch base with.

The meal out in the evening was super, we used some voucher site to get 2 for 1 on our food in an amazing new Thai restaurant in Westbourne and Holly and I sat there eating, drinking and best of all talking non stop for nearly three hours – wonderful therapy for anyone.

I don’t do late nights so much now as I feel them far too much the next day so I was home by 10 and believe it or not the OH and big M are up playing fifa 16 and nearly oblivious to me as they are pretty engrossed in proving their football prowess!

All in all a great day and a pretty special day to pick as I look at it and see how things have got so much easier as the boys have got older. I still remember so clearly when the days started at 5am and I was pulling my hair out by 10am, I can see the difference and appreciate the extra hours of sleep I get now. It’s tough being a parent whatever the age of our little ones but especially when sleep deprivation is part of the equation as well. It’s good sometimes to look at one of those days that was not so bad to really celebrate what we have.



36 thoughts on “A Day in the Life of Me!”

  1. Sounds like an amazing Saturday! I really cherish the weekend now our eldest has started school. Its great to have a bit more of a relaxed day rather than trying to force everyone out the door by 8.30! #EatSleepBlogRT

  2. The first photo cracked me up! Getting sleep is a wonderful treasure. Thanks for visiting my guest post at Sharing Life’s Moments. #KCACOLS

  3. Oh yay for some time to yourself! I love it when my other half looks after my son for a bit. It does make everything good when you get a good night sleep and me time!! Thanks for linking up to #familyfun

  4. Things get more flexible as the kids get older. At !east I am not the only one who arrives home at ten on a night out #fridayfun

  5. Oh I needed this thank you. Some light for me at my dark 5am tunnel. We are still very much in the early starts hair pulling phase with a two and one year old. Sounds like a lovely day and good for you for writing about and sharing it with us at #familyfun xx

    1. Thank you:) Everything gets easier with a bit of sleep and it does seem to happen which is lovely:)

  6. I love those nights when you get away =) BEST way to reset ourselves! That picture of the shark did give me a laugh, so it was infectious even through the screen! Found you via Happy Now Linky Up.

  7. Sounds like a lovely Saturday 🙂 I’m not looking forward to the days of homework I must say! I was out this Saturday night with friends too – fairly new mum friends in this case but ones with whom I feel an instant connection, don’t you love that? Thanks for sharing your day with us 🙂

    PS the shark picture made me chuckle out loud ? #eatsleepblogRT

  8. I love these posts as it is nice to get to know the person behind the blog a little. And from the places you mentioned in your blog I don’ think we are too far from each other lol.

  9. Sounds like you had a great Saturday. And please don’t feel guilty about using your blog as a kind of therapy. We all do it! Pen x #KCACOLS

  10. #eatsleepblogrt
    Love this, agree it does get easier – I shouldn’t of moved quicker with further siblings,
    We’re in the comfy phase now and totes appreciate sleep…only children rock haha

  11. I am at that 5am start and pulling my hair out by 10am stage at the moment so this is so uplifting to read! Glad you had some me time before a lovely bestie catch up! Me time is so important x #KCACOLS

    1. Ahhh that time does pass im pleased to say and I thank my lucky stars that it has. Without wishing the time away it does get easier x

  12. I love these “real life” posts. I, too, am starting to get a little bit more of a sleep in on the weekends. It’s amazing! The trade-off of homework and more extra-curriculars is almost worth it these days.

    It made me glad to hear that some people actually like reading these “day in the life” style posts. I may do a few more of them on my own blog!

  13. Just being left alone in the house for a couple of hours is reason enough to celebrate I think! Lol I know that feeling of right it’s time to get going and do something on a weekend. Hope you had a good night out with your friend after. #KCACOLS

  14. Sounds like a nice chilled Saturday! Catching up with friends is definitely good for the soul. Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday

  15. Thanks for sharing your day with us! I’ve been toying with the idea of a joint-effort DITL of a homesteader, and joining forces with friend bloggers/fellow homesteaders from many different states. Thanks for inspiring me a little more in that direction. 🙂 #KCACOLS

  16. Lovely to have an insight into your day! Sounds like a relaxing day and evening. It’s always nice to get together with friends – I know I don’t do it often enough either. It’s good to know things get easier when our kids get older. Although I don’t want to feel like I’m wishing time away! Mine are still babies and already feel like time is going too fast! x

  17. It was fun to learn more about your daily life. It sounds like you had a good time out with Holly. It’s always nice to have a friend like that to hang out with.

    I can’t wait until my kids are older and I can spend time doing more things I want on my own.

    Found you on the #KCACOLS linky party.

  18. I think things do get easier as the kids get older and sometimes it can help to just reflect upon a whole day and see how much you actually do do!

    1. Thats right and writing the post really helped with that. Thanks for your comments x

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