Tales of a Newbie Blogger #2 – the logo trials…

The reaction to my first piece in the Tales of a Newbie Blogger series was met with such a warm response that it really spurred me on, so thank you for those who read and commented on it.

Looking back on that post as I sit here thinking about this journey, I realise that I didn’t give a little insight into me…common enough to those close to me, I’ll shout and preen about what the kids have done or what we have done as a family but give away what I’m actually thinking is a hurdle that I crash into rather than glide over.

At the start of 2016 a few things happened where I knew that I would like to make some subtle changes. Nothing major as I’m more than happy with my lot, I’ve got the most amazing partner in crime, 2 boisterous boys, full-time job and great gaggle of friends and family. Sure, its not rosy all the time and frequently I’m muttering to myself about wanting ‘alone time’, but when it boils down to it I’m bloomin chuffed with my lot.

The subtle change would come in the form of what would commonly be known in my house as, predictably… The Blog.

When I first had the idea that I wanted to blog, I thought the it would have a very clear theme which was for it to have  fairy and folklore traits…hence the name – myrealfairy. For quite a few years I’ve had an interest in starting a business with a fairy inspired background, whether that be gifts, games or fairy readings (tarot readings with a twist). As time has moved on and technology has romped forward it’s all become more possible.

I had lots of evenings and fun trying out different logos and colour formats, while dipping into the techi bit of starting up the blog. A week and the rest went by like this, as playing around with fonts and pictures was far more inviting than trying to come to grips with some of the new language which was swirling around this brave new world I was looking into.

Immediately that I started looking at free logo creators and the like, I started having emails from all and sundry dropping into my inbox offering all sorts of help with logo creation. It was not too disrupting but jeez, how does this work, they all found out so quickly! Like with life in general, free isn’t all that it seems and even though I’m a newbie blogger, I’m certainly not green.

Alot of playing around on one of the free logo sites and came up with this:


It’s hard to believe that something so simple took so many hours to create. I think I overdid the time I spent on it and eventually just hit save and publish.

I love it and how it looks on the site, eek ‘my’ site. That done, so many more areas to look into and tweak.

I’m going to take it slow and steady as I had a bit of a sprint out of the starting block. There’s a lot in my life and a lot of people to love. There’s ample space for ‘the blog’ but it has to learn to nestle in with the rest.

I also made the firm decision not to worry about it being a business model, just a fun one! That has been one of the biggest reliefs.

I’d love to hear your comments and experiences with your journey.

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54 thoughts on “Tales of a Newbie Blogger #2 – the logo trials…”

  1. You did well on the logo and I love the colors you ended up with. It is also nice to see you enjoying your blog and that you are content with the stage that you are at. I made a fun post for finding where you fit in the blogging world. Many start at one point and later find their passions and goals change along the way. https://www.kathleenaherne.com/5-blogger-styles-where-do-you-fit/ Take a look. Thanks also for adding your post into the Blogger’s Pit Stop where we value quality and just love bloggers enjoying what they are doing.

    1. Thank you so much Kathleen, it means a lot and I will check out the post you mentioned x

  2. They do take ages don’t they? I think because it needs to represent everything about you and your blog in such a tiny little space. Mine started on blogger with one of the standard themes, and then eventually evolved to having the pattern I have today as background (with a white box over it, so it was readable!). Then when I moved to squarespace I was stumped for something visual so took a chunk of that background. It sort of reminds me where I started and I still quite like it so why change?! Thanks for linking up to #PoCoLo and for being such a fab #newbieshowcase – it’s been lovely having you 🙂 x

    1. Thank you so much for featuring me:) I like that you kept a piece of your theme, that’s a nice touch. I’m so pleased with how everything is developing and how I’m growing into it. Thank you it’s been a great week:)

  3. I love your logo! And your blog 🙂 I think that even when we’re happy with our blogs, there’s always something to tweak! Love that I’ve found your blog as it’s definitely on my ‘wavelength’ so to speak 😉

    1. That’s really kind, you’ve been so supportive and I also know that I’m in for a good read when I see your green tick at the start of your posts:) x

  4. I really cheated with my ‘logo’ I think, because I just typed in my blog name and liked the font that was part of my theme! I’m mulling over creating more of a logo or cover image for it, but I quite like the simplicity of what I’ve got at the moment! I love what you came up with, the purple feels quite mystical, but I’m not sure why! x #fancyacoffeefriday

    1. Thank you, It’s another one of those tasks that before you know it hours have passed!:) You’d be more than fine:)

  5. Coming up with a logo sounds so much easier than it actually is (a bit like coming up with the ‘perfect’ name for a blog!).

    I didn’t realise there were such things as free logo designers, I spent ages creating my first one on PicMonkey, before redesigning it last year (the second was no easier than the first!). I’m still not 100% sure of it, but it will do.

    I do like yours. It’s not OTT and stands out nicely. Love the colours too.


  6. I’m impressed that you made the logo yourself! I would love to have a go at creating one when I have some spare time but I imagine it takes a lot longer than you’d think! Thanks for the inspiration!#KCACOLS

  7. I love the idea of fairies and folklore 🙂 your logo looks perfect for your blog. I didn’t realise how long my blog would take to set up! I can spend hours changing bits and then i just change my mind and go back to my original theme lol! Good luck with your blog and enjoy it 🙂 Thank you for linking up to #fancyacoffeefriday

    1. Thanks Rachel! I know, it’s so time consuming, hours can just disappear in a flash! X

  8. Having just started blogging myself I love this! I have to admit I bought my logo through fiverr, and it took 3 tries to get one I liked! I love that you did yours yourself, and it looks great! #KCACOLS

  9. That’s a great logo, worth spending the time on it. I really struggle with the technical side to blogging, it takes me forever to get my head round it. Thank goodness for Google ey. #KCACOLS xx

    1. Google is just incredible! Where would we be without it?! Lost!! ? thank you for your comment xx

  10. I love your header, I love purples and pinks so this really clicks with me! I have had so many different headers and themes to my blog and never been quite happy with them. Then I went self hosted and it all started again 6 months ago and now I am finding myself browsing Etsy for new themes eek! But while I don’t have a header I do love my theme and colours too. I look forward to reading how you progress with your blog xx

    Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday

    1. Your theme is beautiful and really distinctive. I’ve come to recognise it now and love it:) thanks for your comment X

  11. Love the logo! I definitely need to get onto designing a new one for myself – the problem is that I’m not visually creative AT ALL. I don’t trust myself to come up with something good! #KCACOLS

  12. I love messing around with the look of my blog. I change the theme far too often. I like your logo but it’s a little hard to read :/ #KCACOLS

    1. Oh ok thanks, I’ll have a look at it with fresh eyes, is it the colour of the font for you?

  13. Sounds like you had the blog-life balance covered. It can be a wee bit addicting to blog and its nice that you are taking the fun route! I am a new reader and I think we are joining the same linky every week so I am so excited to see how you progress =) #pocolo

    1. Yes, I’m keeping an eye out on yours aswell:) I’m enjoying the fun of the whole blogging experience x

  14. Your logo looks great, I took ages to make mine and it’s really simple. He he it’s time consuming learning all these new skills isn’t it! Thanks for sharing on #KCACOLS

  15. I started my blog about 5 years go, blogged on and off, took a year off and then in Jan 2015 re-launched it. I love my blog and the opportunities it has given me. But it takes up much more time than I ever would have thought. The amount of times I have sat down to just tweak something and several hours has past! I also eventually paid for an illustrator to do my logo, so well done on yours 🙂 #kcacols

    1. Your logo is pretty amazing! I’m not in that league:) Oh yes, hours and hours can go past in a flash! x

  16. oh your logo is really beautiful! Isn’t having your ‘own blog’ just the best feeling. I’m only new to blogging too and I feel such a connection with my logo, images and blogs – it’s like an extra child – it certainly has a personality for me and I love having something that is so mine – it really does give you that ‘time out’ that you need every now and then from the chaos of family life – though it does seem to be a very demanding child!! A great read #KCACOL

  17. Great advice on how to make a blog, I hadn’t even considered having one. I totally agree that writing has to nestle besides other priorities – I write my poems in my head in the car on my commute to work, maximising every last moment of my day 🙂 #KCACOLS

    1. Yeah, the car is a great place to think. I often do a lot when I’m waiting for the kids to come out of school. That’s if I have enough time after parking wars with the other Mums…bless em!

  18. My blog is over 8 years old and has undergone a recent relaunch which I LOVE whilst I hav ealso started another one!! Welcome to a world you may never escape from – blogging!

    1. wow, eight years old, amazing, I bet I could learn alot from you!:) Probably not how to escape though:))

  19. Oh I do like the logo. It’s very fitting with your theme! I don’t like mine at all. I think it’s acceptable but not what I want to grow my blog further! I’ve got something in mind though! #pocolo

    1. I’ve got to resist the temptation as I looked at one of the designs I didnt go with and started thinking maybe…. but no, I must be strong!;))

  20. I spent so many hours faffing about with my logo. Then I uploaded it and decided I didn’t like it, so started all over again! 🙂 I try to be strict and not let the blog take over too – it’s so addictive. x #pocolo

    1. Oh goodness, isn’t it just huge! its like having a new partner, totally consuming!

  21. I’ve been blogging about 5 years now and it started as a very fun thing on my maternity leave (hence the name “not my year off”). I didn’t even really tell real life family or friends and so blogged whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I still love it now although its changed shape a bit over the years as I guess we do as people too. I hope you love it just as much 🙂

    1. It has really worked for you and I love the graphics on your blog. I have only told 2 friends about it ( I do have more…honest!) x

  22. It’s really interesting to read why people started blogging and why they keep at it as everyone has such different reasons 🙂 Love the logo!

  23. I love the logo – mine certainly needs a bit of work, but like you ‘the blog’ is not allowed to take over in my house so everything take a bit of time #fancyacoffeefriday

    1. Thank you:) Oh yes, it does all take time, it’s more hectic than I would of thought!:) x

  24. Welcome to the addictive world of blogging. It’s great fun and can open up so many opportunities for you. Looking forward to reading your posts #PoCoLo

    1. Thank you Gina, and I will be popping over alot to your site aswell x

  25. I always love reading about how people got started. My blog is coming up to it’s first birthday in a couple of weeks and so much had happened that I’d never have dreamed of a year ago. I redesigned the blog back in November and I’m so please with how it looks now. I’m still finding my voice, but I love being on this journey. Thank you for sharing yours #fancyacoffeefriday

    Nadia – ScandiMummy x

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