Little G’s Olympic runner…..

…runner bean that is!

Little G has been in the garden again to have a good look at how his runner beans have come along. We’ve managed to do this while watching as much of the olympics as we can see, it’s such an exciting time!

He also wanted to get a good look inside to see what the seeds looked like close up and to harvest them for next year. Our little greenhouse and packets of seeds have produced lots of plants and we have enjoyed our evenings looking at how they have come on.

Little G is inquisitive and loves to get to the bottom of things so wanted to get a good look at what was inside the little green pockets. You can see him in his latest ‘vlog for his mummy’s blog’ below, covered in black AstroTurf from his day at football school. Boys will be boys!

I think his little friend managed a speedy getaway to the finish line of the edge of the lawn while we were looking at the video playback….lucky for him!

Have you any little plants sprouting and of course, have you been enjoying the olympics?

You can also see Little G’s first vlog here to see the start of his green fingered career!

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29 thoughts on “Little G’s Olympic runner…..”

  1. It’s great that your little man is interested in growing plants, I hope they grew well. 🙂 I didn’t watch any of the olympics (we’re not very sporty) but it was nice to see the UK do so well with medals. 🙂
    Thanks for linking to #pocolo (sorry for the late comment).

  2. That is so cute! Very entertaining little chap. Do we know why some of them were blue? I’m not a bean grower so I’m sure this is probably a silly question. #KCACOLS

    1. No idea why some were blue, we were amazed at the odd assortment of colours and sizes!:)

  3. I’ve been loving the Olympics too and am bereft now they’ve finished…. but at least the runner beans haven’t done a runner!! Thanks for linking to #PoCoLo x

  4. Oh, what a lovely boy! And waht a brilliant gardener, too 🙂 I wish I had even one of his green fingers! And such a natural in front of the camera. Brilliant vlog – makes me think again about doing it myself… maybe one day soon! #bloggerclubuk

  5. WoW! He is great! You have a very confident boy there! Well done mama! I have like and subscribed! I love his adventure on his runner beans. I find the blue and purple one read wired! Never seen anything like it. 🙂 Thank you very much for linking up with us on #FabFridayPost

    1. Oh wow thank you so much!! He is going to be doing backflips when he sees he’s got a subscriber! Brill xx thanks!

  6. Awww little G is adorable even after a footie game. We have a pygmy Apple tree, some Mint, Lavender, rosemary and some plats I cant put a name to. Oh and we planted a tomato tree that dies awww. So your little one is dong great! Thanks for sharig at the Pit stop!

    1. Thanks Julie, you’ve done well in your garden:) tomatoes seem to take forever! Thanks for your comments, Mainy x

  7. I am not good at gardening so it’s nice to read these stories. I envy anyone who can teach their children how to take care of a plant #KCACOLS

    1. Thanks, to be fair, I think the caterpillar had a very close call there!:)

  8. Love this. We’ve started growing veg this year and just getting the loveliest sweetest peas the last few days. Our little boy is a bit young to get involved yet at 6 months. Little G is clearly green fingered though! #KCACOLS

    1. Thankyou, he loves being in the garden and if things grow then it’s a bonus:) Mainy x

  9. I like the idea of growing things but the execution leaves a lot to be desired! I have a lemon plant at the moment which has survived for 1 month so far….. I give it another 6 weeks! #kcacols

  10. I’m not a gardener, but N did have 3 dwarf beans he grew at afterschool club and brought home. They were doing really well, then we went on hols and forgot to ask the OH to water them. oops. No rain and they’re looking a bit dead. #pocolo

    1. Oh yes that’s happened here too, along with them being hit by flying footballs! X

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