You never guess what… It’s Holiday Time!

You never guess what... It's Holiday Time!

Yippie, it’s now just around the corner, in just a jiffy we’ll be jetting off for a week in the sun! Fingers crossed on the sun bit but I’m hopeful, optimistic and downright determined that it will be sunny so that these legs can turn from flour white to bronzed turkey goddess!


It can’t come too soon, it’s been a busy year so far and I know when work and the whole juggling aspect of my chosen lifestyle gets a bit much. The kids, my mum and I will be going for the sun and my OH will be heading to the mountains for his visit home. We always have a break this time of year then we do the family holiday around the end of the summer holidays.

I’ve enjoyed having some more guest posts on the blog recently there’s a wonderful banana pancake recipe that has a twist. I have also been experimenting and have developed a vegan chocolate cake that has gone down a treat at home.  I am so pleased that I found this outlet of blogging and I thank you for reading what I come up with to share. Every visit is appreciated so much.

vegan chocolate cake

I will also be sharing my gardening adventures shortly. The patio vegetable garden is coming on a treat and we recently had our first lettuce on our dinner table, it was a big whoop whoop moment for me! Watch out snails, these are not for sharing!

it's holiday time
A small lettuce but with a big heart:)

I am hoping to write some poetry while I am away. I have had ideas swirling around about some topics that are dear to me. To be honest I just haven’t had the head space to be able to concentrate on them. Too much going on and no quiet time. Another reason why the break is going to be so good.

All of these will be available on the blog in the next week. I look forward to seeing what you think to the latest adventures in the myrealfairy household.

I’ve also seen this great blog which provides classes and you can search thousands of teachers for local and online lessons.


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Family & Lifestyle

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21 thoughts on “You never guess what… It’s Holiday Time!”

    1. Lovely holiday, some great ideas but the poem has yet to flow:)

  1. Have a wonderful holiday. That cake looks yummy. Will have to check out the recipe.

    Thanks for linking up.

    1. Ahh well done you too. I planted cucumbers and they took forever to start and they have just started to come through now:)

    1. Oh it is, we are abroad now and it’s scorching!:) x

  2. There’s no greater feeling than that of an impending holiday. I hope you have a wonderful time. Good luck with the BiBs! Thanks for sharing with #TriumphantTales – hope to see you again on Tuesday!

  3. Oh yay, it’s always so exciting getting ready to go on holiday!! I hope you have loads of fun in the sun!! And *that* cake looks brilliant! #fortheloveofBLOG

    1. Thank you:) oh the cake is scrummy. My boys devoured it:)

  4. that cake looks fab, don’t think i’ve knowingly tried vegan cake. I’m off on my holidays next month, I’m going back to the UK from where i live in dubai till september/october, to escape the heat here #triumphanttales

    1. Sounds good, you’ll definitely cool off in the uk ??☀️

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