London in the Wintertime

I love the winter and it was great to be in London recently with the London Eye sparkling in the winter sunshine.

London in the Wintertime

The day was hectic with work and a lot of rushing around and pre-speech nerves then the buzz of the presentation being over. To whiz over the bridge afterwards and to catch this view made me feel really happy and thankful.

I would’ve loved the time to walk along the Southbank but that will be for another day.

One of the many benefits and joys of having my blog is I can share this glimpses with you.

I’d love to see some of your favourite photos. You can always tag me in on Instagram as I’d love to visit and you can find me on Instagram at myrealfairyblog

For now I will leave you with this view. Even the reflection of the taxi window adds to the essence of the photo for me.

I’d love your thoughts 💭


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For some more stunning scenery pictures have a look at my trip to Stourhead National Trust site.